Jasni Kairil - 37m40s - 3rd
Ang Kao - 45m00s - 15th
Loi Hing Kai - 47m44s - 32th
Chia Chin Hui - 49m15s - 36th
Chin Ming Chang - 53m42s - xxth
Tan Chi Kian - 54m10s - 75th
Eric Teh Poh Chin - 55m17s - 90th
Chin Ming Chang - 53m42s - xxth
Tan Chi Kian - 54m10s - 75th
Eric Teh Poh Chin - 55m17s - 90th
Lim Soon Chung - 59m32s - 143th
Pong Kok Liang - 1h05m18s - 207th
Pong Kok Liang - 1h05m18s - 207th
Henry Chia - 1h14m31s - 300th
Jonanthan Tan - 1h 21m00s - 372th
Men Veteran 10km
Seah Leong San - 47m59s - xxth
Jonanthan Tan - 1h 21m00s - 372th
Men Veteran 10km
Seah Leong San - 47m59s - xxth
Tee Kuan meng - 51m20s - 34th
Leong Ann Lok - 51m42s - 36th
Lim Boon Wah - 53m43s - 44th
Leong Ann Lok - 51m42s - 36th
Lim Boon Wah - 53m43s - 44th
Chua Siong Pek -xxmxxs - 47th
Ng Kim Leng - 58m30s - 64th
Chia Woon Sen - 1h06m11s - 105th (run with son)
Men Senior Veteran 10km
Seow Kek Kiong - 43m54s - 7th
Khoo Thiem Seng - 48m21s - 19th
Lim Tou Suan - 1h06m00s - 72th
Women Open 10km
Khoo Lay Ngoh - 1h08m26s - 28th
Men Open 6km
Kamarulzaman - 40m00s - 80th
Men Senior Veteran 10km
Seow Kek Kiong - 43m54s - 7th
Khoo Thiem Seng - 48m21s - 19th
Lim Tou Suan - 1h06m00s - 72th
Women Open 10km
Khoo Lay Ngoh - 1h08m26s - 28th
Men Open 6km
Kamarulzaman - 40m00s - 80th
what a nonsense run this klang pacers/admiral organised!!!! cheat the runners by telling attractive prizes!!! but not even a voucher. All the runners got the same size of trophy n no differentiate between the 1st n 10th! The runners paid RM30 for the registration but not worth it at all.Cheating!!!!!
The event Admiral 5A Charity Run is organise by Pacer Sport, NOT Klang Pacer Athletic Club.
Kindly get the right channel to complaint.
May I know where I can obtain the photos of this event? I noticed a number of photographers around the running path.
Its photo is flying all the way on facebook. Just type Admiral run, and make sure you be the friend of the owner, than you may view the photo. :)
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