Palace of Justice
Precinct 3
Putra Jaya
We were beaten into second place in the mixed category at Ekiden run this morning.Admittedly,our team comprised of several selected good runners performed rather well.Unfortunately we lost to a better prepared team.
In our debut participation,our sole team was represented by Jasni Khairil,Naresh Kumar,Gunaseelan,Murali Nathan and female runner Deepa.We couldn't sent a team in the men open category because many were recovering from injuries.Our top runners were rested in preparation for the inaugural Klang Centro Community Run next week which is another short distance run.
Nearly 400 teams signed up for this relay competition.Things looked quite chaotic in the beginning at the registration counters.Many runners were seen scattered around and confused.Buses were used to ferry runners to their respective stations.Some late runners have to drive to their destination.
First runners of respective teams waiting eagerly for the race to startHonourable guest was our Minister of Youth and Sports,Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.He gunned off the race at 8.00 am sharp.And he even sportingly ran a leg in the race as well.Later he gave away the trophies to the winners.
Nice to meet you..Our Minister of Youth and Sports was seen about to shake a participant's hand.
..and poised with the runners
The battle begun..far right,Datuk gunned off the competitionOur team started steadily,Jasni being our first runner was in second position before the sash was passed to Naresh.The later managed to overtook the front runner and lead the run.Gunaseelan made no mistake,continuing the lead.Murali further widened the gap before finally handed over to our female and final runner,Deepa.
The leggy Georgina sped to the finishing line unchallenged..
the first runner to call home
...and Deepa,our last runner trailing..some 40 meters behind.Our challenger was fast catching up.Georgina Beech,the Pacemakers Network 1's final runner,at an impressive speed,managed to out run our poor Deepa in the final 300 meters to go to claim victory for her team.Our team clocked 56m 58s for second spot behind the winner's 56m 32s.
Conclusively,wrong positioning was the key factor to our defeat.We just failed to place the right person in the sequence for one to one challenge,which i believe might be able to produce better results individually.
Anyway we are proud of our runners especially Deepa for her 'never give up' fighting spirit.

Our team..From L to R: Jasni,Naresh,Guna,Murali and Deepa.

Jasni receives his trophy and medals from Datuk Ahmad Shabery...

....followed by Gunaseelan


One for the album with our Minister of Youth and Sports

and the mixed category champion,Der Pacemakers Network 1