Below are the top ten results of all categories in this morning Run4it II.KPAC members are in bold.
Men Open
No:01--44m 18s---M.Arulthevar
No:02--44m 28s---M.Balu
No:03--44m 45s---K.Kumar
No:04--45m 02s---M.Affindi
No:05--45m 14s---Shahrom
No:06--46m 50s---Richard Habeeya
No:07--46m 59s---Casey Lim Khon Seng
No:08--48m 04s---Jayakumar
No:09--49m 39s---Ng Swee Yee
No:10--50m 07s---Kuan Chee kee
Men Junior Veteran
No:01--40m 59s---Lautredous
No:02--47m 15s---Ong Chin
No:03--51m 24s---Daniel Tan
No:04--52m 10s---Ridwan Sulaiman
No:05--52m 35s---Wan Sing
No:06--53m 20s---Yee Sing Seng
No:07--54m 45s---Maniarasu
No:08--56m 03s---Alam Shah
No:09--56m 18s---Jefridin Skum
No:10--56m 51s---Lim Boon Wah
Men Senior Veteran
No:01--46m 06s---M.Ramakrishna
No:02--51m 45s---R.Nanchappan
No:03--51m 55s---Tan Wah Sing
No:04--55m 37s---Lok Chan Chuen
No:05--56m 10s---Tang Chee Choon
No:06--56m 21s---Mohd Sowoto Indi
No:07--58m 53s---Mustafar Ismail
No:08--59m 13s---Phang Fok Thin
No:09--60m 00s---Tan Kien Min
No:10--60m 41s---Lim Kian Huat
Women Open
No:01--59m 32s---Lau Pui San
No:02--60m 36s---Jessica Tang
No:03--61m 00s---Seah Bee Lian
No:04--61m 01s---Thalagavathy
No:05--68m 07s---Tan Sheau Theng
No:06--69m 52s---Lim Pick Jun
No:07--70m 44s---Riama Sitorus
No:08--72m 40s---Chek Yin Huay
No:09--72m 41s---Lai Yoke Chim
No:10--73m 46s---Haslinda Bt Dollah
Women Junior Veteran
No:01--58m 15s---Yong Lai Chee
No:02--58m 20s---Tan Shih Ming
No:03--59m 28s---Eng Siok Ling
No:04--62m 45s---Low Wah Leng
No:05--65m 28s---Quek Ai Ling
No:06--69m 47s---Wendy Wong
No:07--70m 05s---Cheah Per Li
No:08--70m 49s---Suki Tang
No:09--72m 36s---Koh Siew Loon
No:10--74m 14s---Siah Lay Cheng
Women Senior Veteran
No:01--55m 40s---Susan Khoo
No:02--57m 58s---Tan Chin Fong
No:03--60m 00s---Agnes Tee Yoke Lai
No:04--62m 30s---Lim Lee Ping
No:05--63m 44s---Kuo Swee Im
No:06--65m 19s---Wong Ah Yin
No:07--65m 56s---Lim You Foong
No:08--67m 31s---Hilary Sailes
No:09--71m 10s---Ng Choon Lin
No:10--74m 00s---Carol Low Peng Keat
Stay tuned for the race report.....
overall the run was very well organized except for the runner's safety on the road !!!
i don't think the RELA members are doing a good job when comes to the traffic control. one of my friend almost got knock down by a bus kilang @ the Tun Sambathan junction and other was ask to stop at a junction near to the stadium for a mere one minutes just to let a garbage truck pass by first. imagine the smell thereafter...
1. Agree with Dannie. Runner's safety is a problem for the recent 12K run. I was nearly knock by an impatient lorry driver let go by the marshall as I was crossing the junction only half way. How does one control traffic with the back facing the vehicles and have no cones along the route to partition off the running route from traffic? Same observation with prior 21K run in May 2008 - so it is a consistent problem.
2. Run should start early - say by 6:30am instead of 7am as scheduled. Furthermore, the late start at 7:15am aggravated the problem - Too much smoke from vehicles / bikes resulted in an unpleasant and unhealthy run. Lucky the sun came up a little late during the run.
3. No position and time record after top 10. One would expect this attitude from races organised by organisors who dont have passion in running, done for charity or breakfast / casual run- but definitely not from a running club. One of the main objectives of a running club is to help runners improve. If no stats provided how to track progress? Example, another running club in Klang Valley, records all runners time and position irregardless of whether it is 10K or 25K race distance via a semi auto system. They are even introducing timing chip system this year for more accuracy and ease.
4. If race marshalls appointed by KPAC wants to cheer / encourage runners along the route, please do it consistently and not pick and choose your friends only. Very discouraging for other runners in the vicinity because when a runner pass the marshalls who was cheering for his friend a few moments ago, they only get a stare. Best for marshalls to adopt a non-cheering stand if they can't do it consistently.
5. Many runners came from as far as KL or maybe outstation to support your run and paid a premium fee to do so. A simple thank you / congrats by a KPAC rep / volunteer at the finish line is a good gesture and leaves a good impression. Unfortunately, it did not happen at the recent 12K.
PS the date and time on this blog is wrong. The msg is posted on 13 Oct 2008 at 10:28am
as a runner, i would agree with comments from dannie and pat.
as an organiser of running event, i can emphatise with the many glitches face by the club. by taking up the challenge is the first step. and with support from runners and good critics, am sure KPAC can improve further.
it took months to organise a run that last for less than 3 hours. cash flow is another factor as a club does not received funding from government and solely depend on membership fees and sponsorship from corporate sector (if any)
perhaps, the next race KPAC need to have more passionate and dedicated members & volunteers. only take in dedicated and passionate members who will serve unconditionally.
however, it is not easy to serve and satisfied all. and there are still rooms for improvement.
i totally agree with dannie & pat that safety of runners must be given top priority by all organisers.
congratulation to KPAC for successfully organising the 2nd run and look forward for your next event.
Loved it!
It's nice to see so many enthusiastic participants and volunteers and the whole thing does have a community spirit about it.
My family also hung around and they got to join the tai chi nearby while waiting :) Maybe we could have some type of activity for the participants' families during the waiting and after the event.
Looking forward to the next race by KPAC...
first of all, i would like to congratulations to the organiser who has done it brilliantly. the event was well organised and the runners love it.
for me there things to improve:
1. put the kilometer markers for at least every 3km to let runners know how many km they have completed.
2. the water station should be increased to at least 2 or 3.
3. should have let runners know they position after crossing the finishing line.
i look for the next 'run for it' to come! :)
As runner,my experience like sin full last time back to 2000,nobody interest,why now they became a favourite event for runners ? more than 30,000 runners....
Reason 1 to learn:
Try to find a route less traffic
Reason 2 to learn:
Try to organise cheers team or ask help from school.Runners' family or supporters display their motivation slogan or card or whistle.
Reason 3 to learn:
Recruit or ask club members help to play as volunteers for cameraman,nowday have to increase the value of road running event,can create or set a album for your own club,this will make more runners have a sweet memory for this trip.I have friends from Muar, Singapore,Penang..etc..they will love to see their race photos,even that is only a finishing photo.
Reason 4 to learn :
Seem so many runners request their position,I suggest u can learn from Taiwan,that is provide a few board like results board,but this one is for everyone,each runners can label their position on board after finishing,get the finishing timing and position from the official at finishing,this will let runners knew their position and others who they interest immediately,and also to runners protest if they feel anyone runer take short cut or wrong placing card.
Reason 5 to learn:
If can,please organise a photo contest for this event,either for volunteers or supporters,they can email to u.U can publish the photos contest results after maybe 1 week ? Like Singapore race doing now.
BTW..I am pmtey ya...although this few suggestion is not easy,but this will make your event more fun n popular in future.
Another runner comment :
Agree with Tey, need some camera man snap some photo on the run.
hi...wong kei ming!!
im totally not agree ur suggestion with increase 2 or 3 water station
!!that is good enough 1 water station for 12km race...if this is a half marathon race,then i will agree to you!
Wong Kei Ming,
I agree with what 'pacesetters' said too. One is enough for 10k-12k.
From what i know, a good runners can run for a very long distance without taking one drip of water during der run de. Hehe
tho' 1 water station is sufficient, it is most welcome if the organiser can put 2 or 3. bare in mind that more than 50% or probably up to 70% runners may not be 'GOOD' who complete within ..say 50mins.
most often organisers place a lot of concentration on the top 10 - say 100 (for bigger event) but forgotten that the success of running events are largely make up of this not so-called good runners (rather average runners) but nevertheless come out in support and build up the atmosphere.
it is great to read so many constructive comments here. it seems runners are more demanding these days and organising runs becoming more challenging.
hi jue and ongkhengmai..
thanks for yours agreement about water station...will you alls going to join penang marathon on 16.11.2008?im achieve 57mins33s on this klang pacers new balance 12km run,its good achievement for an intermediate runner?im going to join penang half marathon(25km).so,im planned finish it with 2h30mins...any suggestion for me to achieve this target?
Organise a running race is promote running,attract more new runners and keep our societhy a healthy life !
If 10k,my suggestion 1 water station is ok.But for 12k,I think can consider put at 5k n 9k/10k,2 water station will perfect.
Nope, this will be my second & last race for the year 2008. Due to time constrain, my exam are coming soon and need to spend more time on study. Hehe
57mins33s is a good result already for 12k. But if you are a young man, i think run under 50min is the best. Of course i am not good enough for this, but soon i will be able to doing it. Lets run... Hehe
Stay tune for the year 2009 for my ultimate performance.
dear buddies, first KPAC would like to kam siah to dannie pat jue edmund wongkeiming tey ongkhengmai and pacesetters for their comment and whether it is good or bad kpac will take the comments seriously and to improve race after race. the most important thing every runners must enjoy.........
If u interest to view more running races photos,pls visit at my site ya,don know u in my contact list or not yet ?
I think I snap u runners in few events also.
My site:
Pls register as multiply user,then invite pmtey to be your friend,pls let me know u r from KPAC,Then I will accept u invite asap,after I accept u invite,u can view my all albums from past ,current and future events.
I accept u already,u can view my site now..tks..
Welcome !
Pmtey,thanks a lot for accepting us as your contact,maybe we can learn something from you.
Sure,u r welcome.
But I think u club sure have camera kaki,just ask them to post online sharing will do ..cheers !!
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