The organising was way too simple for an event that is open to foreigners.Except for the spirit of patriotism where our national anthem was played just before the flag off,the organisers failed to lift up the running atmosphere.
The route was superb for a 10k race.The much challenging hills and undulating slopes with cool and fresh environment is the only consolation to this event.
Yes,there were many police traffics manning the roundabouts and junctions,but the organisers failed to set up at least one waterstation in the mid of the race.No check points where normally officials or volunteers would hand out ribbons to make sure everyone has a fair run.
Probably the impact of the global economy crisis had hit this event.Grouses were heard that only two drinks sponsors were seen-the 100plus and Vico at the finishing point.No free breakfast for the runners except for a nice finishing medal for every runners.

Our members were there to support the run.From L to R:Zainuddin,Dhan Bahadur,Syanizam,Wong Soon Pin,Kamaruzaman and Leong Ann Lok.
Results at glance:
Category B (Malaysian Men Open)
No:005--39m 01s---Murali Nathan
No:008--41m 40s---Naresh Kumar
No:000--48m 08s---Kee Weng Keong
No:000--51m 45s---Khoo Kian Wei
No:000--51m 58s---Gunaseelan
No:000--52m 46s---Leong Ann Lok
No:000--56m 21s---Kamaruzaman
No:000--56m 43s---Syanizam
Category D (Malaysian Men Veteran)
No:000--45m 01s---Dhan Bahadur
No:000--46m 42s---Wong Soon Pin
No:000--46m 55s---Zainuddin
No:000--48m 40s---Tan Swee Sing
No:000--51m 02s---Tee Kuan Meng
No:000--54m 33s---Khoo Thiem Seng
No:000--59m 08s---Davie Samuel