KPAC Athletic Club 29th AGM cum Annual Dinner 2016

Dear members of KPAC,

KPAC Athletic Club 29th AGM cum Annual Dinner 
will be held as the following:

Toh Yuen Restaurant
Klang Executive Club, Bandar Baru Klang.

12th  March 2016 (Saturday)

3.30pm - Registration
4.00pm - Annual General Meeting
6.00pm - Cocktails (Pre-Dinner)
7.30pm - Dinner


Annual dinner ticket is available at RM70.00/ pax **

Kindly contact Lee Yao Wen (016-213 2823) and/or Stacy (016-965 0901)
for information.

** All active members in year 2015 are entitle to get 1 free T-shirt and 1 year free        membership renewal

KPAC ATHLETIC CLUB 29th Annual General Meeting - Agenda

Date: 12th March 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 4.00pm
Venue: Toh Yuen Restaurant, Klang Executive Club
             Persiaran Bukit Raja 2, Bandar Baru Klang


1.         Opening speech by President
2.         To adopt the minutes of the last AGM held on 14th  March 2015
3.         To receive the Secretary Report on 2015/2016 Activities by the Club
4.         To receive the Treasurer Financial Report together with the Audited Accounts
5.         To discuss motions (if requires)
6.         To Dissolve the 2015/2016 Committee
7.         Election of New Committee for 2016/2017
8.         Appointment of Auditors
9.         Acceptance speech by New 2016/2017 President

These are the Nomination Form and the Motion Form for your action

[RESULT] 24H 2016

Date: 30-31 January 2016 
Time: 3:00pm (Saturday) - 3:00pm (Sunday)
Venue: Taman Jaya Park, Petaling Jaya
Distance: 1.15km per loop

Men's Open 
23:48:59 - Chai Min Fooi (131 loops) - Podium Finisher
23:56:29 - Colin Tan (119 loops)

[RESULT] Merentas Kampung 2016


Date: 31 January 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 7:00am
Venue: Padang Awam, Kampung Delek Klang
Distance: 7km (~5.63km)

Lelaki Dewasa (18 Tahun Ke Atas)
0:25:58 - Jimmy Teh (13th)
0:26:37 - Seah Leong San
0:28:22 - Terence Ong
0:30:10 - Choo Siew On

Perempuan Dewasa (18 Tahun Ke Atas)
0:30:xx - Sim Kuen Kuek (3rd) - Podium Finisher
0:35:xx - Lim Siaw Cheng (10th) - amtui

[RECORD HOLDER] King/Queen of Dragon Back #2

Date: 31 January 2016 (Sunday)
Time: 5:30am
Venue: Jalan Paip, Meru Klang
Distance: 11km per loop

Five(5) Loops King (~7.5 Hours) - New Record
Ryan Lee Keng Hwa

@ Lee Hwa

click King/Queen of Dragon Back #1 for Four(4) Loops Record Holders