Below are pictures of podium finishers of each category in this morning 12km and 7km run.
Men Open (12km)
1st 41:25 Muniandy a/l Ramadass
2nd 41:35 Ruburn Kummar a/l Ramasamy
3rd 44:05 Ganesan a/l Muniandy
4th 44:10 Murali a/l Muniandy
5th 44:30 Lim Khon Seng
6th 45:38 Prabakharan a/l Madhavan
7th 45:54 Vigneswaran a/l Jaya Kumar
8th 47:23 Peh Yong Heng
9th 48:03 Izuan Bin Ismail
10th 48:19 Murali Nathan a/l Kanarajah
Men Junior Veteran (12km)
1st 45:34 Genesan a/l Subramaniam
2nd 45:50 Ong Chin
3rd 46:41 Khir Bin Salleh
4th 47:50 Malayalam a/l Arumugam
5th 48:46 Ng Say Heong
6th 50:36 Thanasekaran a/l R. Manickam
7th 50:46 Wan Sin
8th 53:46 Lai Yap Chai
9th 54:21 Bong Teck Yong
10th 55:39 Ong Khang Kiat
Men Senior Veteran (12km)
1st 46:07 Ramakrishnan a/l Manikam
2nd 50:46 Ridwan bin Sulaiman
3rd 51:19 Krishnansamy a/l Chappanimuthu
4th 51:49 Tan Wah Sing
5th 52:29 Siow Kek Keong
6th 52:42 Tan Chee Choon
7th 52:59 Tee Teck Bee
8th 53:40 Md Yasan bin Rahmin
9th 54:07 Mohd Sowoto bin Indi
10th 55:21 Lim Kian Huat
Women Open (12km)
1st 49:57 Noor Amelia binti Musa
2nd 55:33 Amutha a/p Arumugam
3rd 58:04 Thalagavathy a/p Surnakumar
4th 58:38 Jessica Tang Mei Lee
5th 1:02:28 Lynn Guan Yoke Ling
6th 1:03:30 Sheela a/p Samivellu
7th 1:07:45 Tan Huay Ling
8th 1:08:26 Lim Wei Ing
9th 1:10:53 Chan Yin Yian
10th 1:15:16 Tan Siew Lee
Women Veteran (12km)
1st 54:07 Susan Khoo
2nd 55:08 Lumindas
3rd 1:00:00 Lian Bee Hoon
4th 1:01:00 Tee Yoke Loi
5th 1:01:59 Lim Lee Ping
6th 1:03:00 Tan Bee Ngoh
7th 1:03:39 Lee Khum Chiew
8th 1:05:00 Angela Mutinda
9th 1:08:00 Chuan Teck Geong
10th 1:08:32 Siow Seow Foong
Men Junior (7km)
1st 28:12 Kesavan a/l Maniraja
2nd 28:26 Mohd Ramzan Jani bin Mohd Pittu
3rd 28:29 Kumeresan a/l Rahendra
4th 28:43 Navinkumar a/l Sivakumar
5th 28:48 Kaveendiran a/l Wasudaven
Women Junior (7km)
1st 37:50 Sawin Kaur Ranjit Singh
2nd 38:09 Kim Khoo
3rd 39:05 Alifah Ilyana binti Mohd Yasin
4th 40:13 Chan Ker Xin
5th 40:23 Vicneswari a/p Ramasany
Please click here to view some photos during the prize presentation ceremony.Results and more photos will be posted later..please stay tuned.